Are you thinking about whether to go to conference in August? Wondering whether you should make the investment of time and money? Wondering what you'll get out of it AND, most importantly, wondering whether you'll be able to unbury the kids from the ceiling-high pile of laundry that will inevitably appear while you're gone???
I hear you and I think they are excellent questions.
We women know all too well the constraints on our time - we run the show not only in our business but in just about every area of our lives. Sometimes we just need that "Calgon" moment - time for us. Time to relax, unwind, and reinvigorate our minds, bodies, and businesses. That's one of the reasons I'm a huge believer in attending conferences and conventions. The change of scenery always helps me appreciate home. It also gives me perspective - on life and business. I always leave with my batteries recharged.
Conferences also give me the opportunity to rub shoulders with like-minded women who are more than happy to share their successes and challenges - who let me know I'm not out there alone. I love getting girl-time to stay up late or sleep in a bit - what a luxury.
While my business is definitely feeling the pinch of the challenging economy here in Northeast Ohio, I've been putting away $25.00 from each job I've done since right after last August in my "Conference Fund" jar to help pay for expenses. How great to have a job where I can get a vacation/tax write off and professional enrichment!!
I'm looking forward to chilling out at the Wild Horse Pass Resort & Spa and soaking in the sun while soaking up all the wonderfully fabulous ideas I know we're going to get. Have you read the great reviews on TripAdvisor about the resort? Sounds like heaven!
If you're thinking what I'm thinking, then I know I'll see you in Arizona in August - and I'm going to leave a shovel in the laundry room so they can dig themselves out!
Diana, Devine Designs
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